Saturday, July 22, 2006

Vinjelu and Grandmother

This is Vinjelu's grandmother from his mom's side. She has had 10 children and has out lived 5 of them... she is a mighty mowen of god... literally the moment we walked in the dorr and gave hugs she got us to kneela nd she prayed over us! She said she won't be dying anytime soon because the work that God has for her to do hasn't finished yet... when it's done she will go.

She is really full of life. A beautiful women.


Karyn said...

How far away does Grandma live? Has Vinj had contact with her all his life, or just recently? I didn't realize his grandparents were Christians. Was Hope a Christian or raised as a Christian?

What an awesome way to meet your husband's grandma - to have her pray for you in greeting! We could learn a few things over here.

Anonymous said...

thats awsome to hear that grandma is such a woman of god. i know she is one of the people that god has chosen to look out for u guys. and she know it as well.

Keltie and i are doin well. Kelitie is feelin much better now. if u didnt now keltie had had reely bad pains in her gut reagin. it so happens that she had passed a gaul stone. crappy i know, and as she passed thta he pankrious flared up to 240. regular is 16-60. i dont know what they are called. but she is feeling mucho better, she just cant eat fatty foods spiceie food. mainly healthy foods if what she can eat. we are reely happy with our new car as well it as treated us well.bye for now
