Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The NEw Locks

The Beautiful Blond

The Crazy Red Head.... it only last 2 hours this time.

The ned result, a rich dark auburn for Kathryn... what do ya think?

I first dioed it what was suppose to be a dark auburn, but I guess my hair had never been so blond before, so ti turned VERY RED, which maybe in my teen years would have loved, but not so much anyway more, so we went back to shoppers and died it again:) Dar Brown. So here it is. It's fun, I was nervous though because my hair was so light. I like it alot though.

Trisha my friends from toronto dyed my hair. as most of you knwo I am secretly very picky about my hair and who touches it, but she did an awesome job! Thanx trisha!

P.S I feel like this is very useless information compare to the many problems in the world... but I guess it's ok to be girl some times:)


Karyn said...

We like to know about the "frivolous" things in your life, as well as the "important" things because the little things make up the big things.

I like the new color.

Karyn said...

BTW your hair is finally looking long!

Mike and Tor said...

I like it Kath. I'm glad you're not in a teenager stage and went for the RED hair. A little to bright....but the dark brown looks very sophisticated and beautiful. Mom's right, your hair is starting to look long. Nice job.
I'm in the middle of deciding what to do with my hair. Part of me wants to keep it long...(for Michael...and cause I like it long) but part of me is thinking of cutting it into a bob...and letting it regrow.
We'll see...what do you think?

ps. I know Michael's preference would be to keep it long, but I think he'd like a bob too...after he saw it. But I know that he doesn't read the blogs anymore so if I do decide to bob it - it'll be a surprise...unless he out of nowhere decides to start reading blogs again. ;)

~*Trisha*~ said...

You are more then welcome ... my fingernails are still discoloured ... I miss you both a lot! ... That is awesome news about the music stuff. Keep us all posted on how it works out. I'll call soon.