Sunday, December 10, 2006

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow....

here's Vinjelu and I on the Snow machine, about to go for a spin in the field! It was Vnjelu's First time to ride or drive one. he had a blast!

Theres our mustang... sad sight I guess... Hibernating for the winter.

We still love you stang...


Rob... said...

Ya know, I have never been on the snow machines. I should probably do that sometime.

Also, I just might have to use that Mustang a little this winter.

Karyn said...

I'm glad it was so nice this weekend, that you got to go for a ride. Hope it's nice at Christmas time, too - maybe we can get the 600 out of the field so someone can go along with you - it's more fun that way.

Thanks for all your help in decorating, etc. And Vinj - you are the only person who ever cleans my microwave for me (It's a little high for me to reach to the back) Except for Dad, of course - but he's not here as often as you. Love you!