Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Bride, My Love,my wife, Best friend....


Some one was taken from us.
Paid us a short visit. It felt like we've known them forever.
In this visit we learned so much, I fell in love with you again, I saw such light in you.
Our visiter reminded me about how precious breath and life is. Your love for our visitor was so real, I could taste it. We both saw more love in this time then most people do in a lifetime.
This baby was a gift from the Father, a gift that taught us love.
I love you more today more then I have loved in a thousand years.

Wednesday,February 21


Karyn said...

This is beautiful, Vinj. Thanks for sharing it with us

~*Trisha*~ said...
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~*Trisha*~ said...

I definitly have tears running down my face. Thank you for sharing this Vinj. You have a wonderful gift with words. I love getting to witness the way you two love each other. You both have taught me so much about love over the past 4 years and in particular this last one. I'll call tomorrow night once I'm in SK. Love you both!