Thursday, October 04, 2007

Child Intervention Worker- Vinjelu Muyaba!

Hello people, A little update on Vinjelu, immegration, and apartment search!

Vinjelu is employed by Comrose Community Connections.

They are now applying to human resource department in Canada, if they are aproved vinjelu wll get a letter of employment and a letter from human resources. Once we have those two documents, he will be applying for a work permit, which will be running us $1000.00 bucks. It usually takes 24 days for that work permit to be processed. Once he is approved and given a work permit, he will get a social insurance number, and will be leagal to recieve pay, by this organisation.
In the mean time vinjelu is volunteering to get used to the house he is working in, and get to know the youth he will be working with. He will be working full time, over 48 hours a week.

Permanent Residency will be take another 6 months at least to be approved.

We may have found an apartment in camrose, alberta. We will be finding out about this in the next few weeks, if we get it we can only move in december. It is a large aparement with two bedrooms and lots of storage.

Anyway, the greatest news is vinj got a job and the employers are willing to go through the whole immegration process with him. PRAISE GOD! And I am not kidding!

Monday, October 01, 2007

6 months 2 weeks