Saturday, January 22, 2011

Captin Bicard and his advantage & Extreme Home make over

So... I have been wishing for a weekend on the starship enterprise lately. No not because of their "coulorful" tite spandex suites.... (except dianna whats her name... she always had great outfits, I think because she was the "pretty girl") Anyway, it's because fo their food ordering system especially in the captins room... "early grey tea, hot, no sugar".... and so on. How nice to beable to order exactly what you feel like when you want it... (well besides when you are fighting cyborgs of corse) My nausia and lack of food choice is starting to get to me... and why wouldn't it... at 12 weeks pregnant that makes exactly 90 days I have felt sick all day everyday. : ( ok, let me cry on your shoulder for a minute.... boohoo.

Anyway, food is powerful isn't it. I watched Food Inc. Again today (because we have exactly 6 movie from canada on our lap top, and 7 episodes of The Office, all of which I have watched MULTIPLE times!) so, I have been wanting good fresh corn chips with home made salsa (alicia Hoffarth form Lifegate makes AWESOME salsa people! I think she is also good at salsa dancing....) so been seriously craving that every single day! I dont know why food because so important when you feel sick, it's so weird, because mostly I just don't want it. Other thing I want so bad is, HONEY NUT CHEERIOS, they do not exist here, and I feel like having them every morning.

So everyone cry for kathryn.... such a sad story right... not really.... when people are hungry, cold, dirty, addicted to substances, and dont know love. So please dont feel sorry for me. But you can feel compassion for the people I am about to write about, my story will never compare, because I have JEsus, and a family that loves me completely.

Now listen I have an idea, a great idea I think!
So around us there are alot of poor people as most of you know. And even though vinj and I are often very tight money wise, there are people far worse!

So we would like to start a "Not so EXTREME home makeover" not so extreme because we are not that "good-looking" carpenter guy from that show with piles of sponsors.... BUT homemaker over it would be in a way.

We want to help put simple roofing sheets on huts with grass that is molding and lets in rain, rats, snakes.... etc. We also would like to buy blackets for the family we choose each time, and possibly a bag of millie meal, and cooking pots if needed. Some people cook their little bit of nshima in the ground with no pot and a plastic bag.

Anyway, we are estimating each house make over at $250.00 -- each mud hut/house.... PLEASE let people know and give! Lets see peoples lives be inspired and just loved! For a very small amount of money, we will take and post pictures of each project we do.

Next week is our first house project for a widowed old lady, who sleeps on the floor, with a small thin blanket, is extremely thin, and her roof is only half there with very old roofing sheets that leak. Thank you PAm and Terry for the donation!


Our next candidate... a widow with her grandson, who is actually 8 years old suffering with ceribal palsy. They would be another family due for a Hut Makeover!