Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kenya-Uganda-Rwanda-Zambia-Malawi- Here we come...

Hey y'all,
(We're in the states right now, so we can say that.)

Just a little announcement. We are going to be in Eastern Africa from June through to July or August. We will be in Kenya, Uganda and Probably (but not totally certain) Rwanda.

This is part of the school we have been apart of since march. We will be on a Field Assignment to complete the school. We will be working with existing development projects through out these countries, as well as hold seminars for local churches and people in general.

In Rwanda there is need for serious rebuilding, we will be going to the North West of Rwanda, in that area the homes and villages are still torn apart from the genocide/war in 1994. We are helping one of our team mates (Odeth-from Rwanda) get something started up there, she has been working on relationships and possible opportunities for a couple years now. We would be a great asset to her initial building of a base there. Rwanda only has one YWAM base. (Again, we are not sure if we are going to Rwanda or not, we will have to pray more and see.)

South Central Africa regional staff conference, 15 August
In august there is a South Central YWAM African Leadership gathering in Malawi, we are hoping to make it to that with some of the YWAM Zambia leadership.

We are planning on being in Zambia some time starting in August and up to the middle to end of October. (Our flights are out of Nairobi so will have to travel back to Nairobi to fly out on October 30th.)

Kathryn is looking into volunteering at clinics in this time as well, she has been studying Primary Health Care on her own, and will be going through training for it in 2009.

This is a very important trip for us. we will be meeting allot of people we need to net work with to start up the "Foundations In Community Development" School, an primary health care, as well as any other projects we'd like to see started in Lusaka. We will be meeting key leaders in YWAM, also being exposed to alot of development work that is actually working. Uganda has had alot of development in the past 10 to 15 years.

If you would like to see us or are in any of these countries, please contact us and let us know, we'de love to stop by and spend some time. or if you want to come up to Zambia while we're there for a visit, that would be great! (Paul now's your chance!)

we only have the money for our flights, two generous people bought us flights to Nairobi and back to Canada. as for buses and all that, we are trusting God for all that money. If you believe in a God that provides please pray for us, this is a huge leap. We are very excited, to finish this school and also to visit Zambia again in preparation to come back and live in Zambia!

So give us a holla, let us know when we can see you!
Vinjelu + Kathryn

"If you can't feed 100 people, just feed one." -Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Speak out.

Mother Teresa holding a malnurished dieing baby
On the right-This is a Haitian child... starving

This morning I was reading Proverbs, I've decided I am going to read one chapter a day until I am done, and I am starting from the back to the front.

So Naturally today I read Proverbs 31. I expected to read what a good women is... I guess I haven't really sat and read every verse in the chapter, because the first part of the chapter is about the poor, and drinking (It's actually quite an interesting view on drinking, you should look it up, somthng aout if ur poor and hopless DRINK....)
Anyway, in proverbs 31:8-9 I read the following.
"Open you mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."

Next in Proverbs 31:20 it says about the amazing women... " She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the poor."
God has been speaking to me so much in the past two weeks, which is very amazing and beautiful, because after the miscarriage I have felt very distant (probably because I did distance my self from Him.)

I am called to speak out, and stand up, to reach out, (I can just picture that, both hands reaching out to help some one like this little child from Hattie)

God help me, and forgive me for all the times I haven't.