Monday, November 13, 2006

Child Soldiers- Become Aware.

Step One: Go to Good search Type in "Invisible Children."
Step Two: Click on the link to the Invisible Children GOOGLE VIDEO, and take 45 minutes to watch and make your self aware of whats going on and has been for year in Northern Uganda.
There are millions of children displaced in Uganda, disapeared, vanished... where?
I know alot of poeple would just say this is Africa, thats the way it is... but I beg to differ...
Children all over the world, poeple deserve the same rights, human rights, and life style, color race or country shoulnd't make is ok to be slaughtered, raped, and destroyed as a child.

Thousands of children are abduicted by the "Lords Resistence Army" in Uganada, they mostly abduct children between the AGES OF 5-12, because they are moldable at theat age. The first thing that happens when the children arive at the LRA's Camp tied up is, brutal murder, the children have to kill in order to be saved, they are forced to stand and watch or, to do it them selves.
Many children in rehab now have gone mentaly retarded because of the trama they've gone through while in the LRA.

Please read and find out whats happening in the world. Keep your self informed!
If you already are, great! Spread the news!

Relief Teams

I've just found out about a relief team that YWAM has running, one out of Texas and Austrailia. Some YWAMers sign up to be apart of these disaster relief teams, and stay on call of any emergencies. This is something I have always been very passionate about, but didn't know how to go about it safely. So I am looking into it more and some of the relief trips coming up in the next few months and years. I may sign up to be apart of this list as well go down to Texas for training. It excites me because it helps me understand where I can further my education and also get practicle experiance on the feild. It's all just in the beggining stagest though.
