Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Goodbye Trish - Toronto!!!

Toronto was great! Such a diverse city. We also met up with my ( vinjelu) high school friends. That was so good to just sit, reminisce, but also talk about the future. Both guys I met want to go back to Zambia. I really believe that God has placed Zambia in the hearts of the people from my high school , and with time, people will come back and help the country grow. So I do not take meeting these guys in Toronto lightly, but take it as a blessing from God! We stayed with Trisha Cullington and her family. Great family, and I just want to say thanx! It is a great house filled with great people and trisha has given Kathryn and I unforgettable memories. Our lives are richer now.

Lundy's Lane, Niagara Fall

We had alot of fun on this street. Crazy, busy, people every where. It was super fun!

Vinj really FAT!!!!
This is the chair belonging to the tallest man in the world. We flet like little children on the chair.

Niagara Falls at night- June 18

We went to Niagara falls at 9:30 on Sunday evening. It was incredible! Huge! At night they shine lights on the falls for effect, and I suppose so you can see them. Our camera didn't work as you could see in the picture below. So I got these off the internet. It was so beautiful. There were fire works there as well. It was quite an experiance.

Rain Forest Cafe

We went out for Supper at this super cool cafe, you couldn't see the ceiling, it was full of vines and plants. there were animals every where, Huge fish tanks every where. It was very cool. We went with Trisha and her family.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Rain Forest Cafe

Flowers Flowers Flowers

I am struck by how many flowers are every where. I love them! Beautiful.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Let's Go Oilers Lets GO! WOO!!!! WOO!!!

We watched the game last night with Karla and Hugo! It was AWESOME!!! Who told me it was over for the oilers (FREDDY and VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!) I don't think so guys! We are going for the stanley Cup! Wish I could have watched that game with my brothers! We'll be having a party at our Friend Trisha's house tomarrow night watching the final!!!!!!! I am so excited, so is vinjelu, how could he not being married to me.

Anyway, Go Oilers Go!

Vndersypens & Muyaba's

Vinjelu's Uncle Hugo and Aunty Karla drove up from Detroit to visit with us for 2 days.
They took us all over, we went out for great food, saw beautiful streets of Down Town Toronto, they took us to the zoo, we saw an interesting Market, and watched hockey and sports of course!

This time was very special, vinjelu hasn't seen his family for years, they have been a great support in his life, and so it was really a privilege to visit with them for this time. It was alot of fun! It felt like a vacation!


We've walked around down town quite a bit, it's beautiful. We both enjoy Toronto alot. it's so diverse, and ALIVE. There are all kinds of poeple everywhere! It's very fun. ( In the summer that is, I can't imagine walking around in the dead of winter..) There's quite alot of wind down town, which is a relief from the hot hot sun.
Yesterday (June 17th) was 33c! it was killer hot. We spent most of the day at the Totonto Zoo. It was fun, was saw tons of different animals which we enjoyed very much, but we were all sweating like crazy(which we did not enjoy very much. We got to see polar bears, they are an amazing animal.
Thankfully none of us burned in the scorching sun. (I know my mom would be worried about that...) Anyway, Toronto is very cool, we wouldn't mind living here some time.

Learning to use the Subway

We have had to take the subways almost every day. It is VERY expensive compare to calgary! I guess when everyone's fuel cost go up, so does the public transit. It's fun to catch it, you can get around quite fast, from the far far west of Toronto right into the city centre.