Thursday, July 20, 2006

Answering Questions

Ok Bike question... it costs 25$ to bring one bike from Canada to Zed... so we are going to be bringing our bikes from home.

2) Car... there are different opptions... we are porbably goign to take the opption of getting a double cab Toyota or Nissan from Japan, which will cost about $8000.00 CND.

3) Ndola and Kitwe.. we are going to visit YWAM there meet our fellow volunteers, and check out what they are doing. As well as meeting Gwnires future family... making some wedding plans. Also visiting World Vision Development sites. We will be gone for a little less then a week, or maybe a week.

4) Socializing.... ya it's going ok. W've been ruinning around tryig to get immegration things sored the past two weeks or so haven't had that much time... but ti is going ok I would say... still a bit hard. Vinjelus' friends have become my friends actually, some of them anyway. Espceially Wightson and LInda his girl friend. As well as Joshuas mom Naomi, she is a friend as well. So it's going ok, not the best, just because of not being settled here and stuff. But I am getting a bit used to being the white chick around... althugh I think it will take a year or so to really settle in.

I think those were the main questions...

Right now we are going to have a meeting with JOshua's parent's deciding hat is gouign to happen with him.

Ok I gotta go will write more later..


1 comment:

Karyn said...

Great answers! I am especially happy to see your response re: sociallizing - something for us to keep in our prayers re: you.

Tell us about Witeson and Linda - any pictures? How long has W been Vinj's friend? what does he do? what does Linda do? What are they like? Make a posting about them so we can get to know them, as well. :) Thanks