Friday, July 07, 2006

Heat, cold, dust,crowds,cramped. All these couldn't prevent us from seeing how blessed we are. Kthryn and I Just came from a short visit ( one night) to my aunt ( from my mom's side) and a friend of mine who live in another twn about 45 mins. drive from Lusaka. It was a short visit , but filled with beautiful moments. We spent time with a friend of min who is a pastor and Kathryn bonded very well with his 3 year old son ( Jeremiah). His wife ( Anitta) made us agreat super . part of it was white dried beans( but boiled soft for hours). O I love white beans!

That afternoon, kathryn and I had visited the Zoo! It was really nice. But the best part was visiting the Botanicle gardens right next to the zoo. Beautifull!! We took pictures but kathryn is having problems putting them on the blogg! All of you would love these gardens! They are very well kept, and even I was impressed!

We slept over at my aunt's house and the next day hung out with my cousin(Trina). She is an amazing singer and we recorded (on video) some of her songs. Well, so long! And please keep praying for us!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Good to hear from you, Vinj! I'm guessing this is your house (The brick fireplace looks like the brick on the outside of your house) am I right? Looks like a fairly good size living room/dining room. Is that a wood floor under that rug? The other thing that makes me think this is your house is the tablecloth - it looks familiar. :)