Saturday, November 25, 2006

Mercy Works- Kathryn going to Sudan

I have been praying about an opportunity I have been given to be apart of a Medicle relief team to the Sudan. The team is lead by a man in his early 70's, a doctor, he's been in YWAM for years. The team is going for three weeks to give medicle releif to Sudanese people in refugee Camps. It's from February 12-March 8 2007.
If you would like to check out the web site for the Relief team it's,
I am filling out an application and will be sending it in the next few days. I need the flight money for this trip within the next week. And so need to really trust God for his provision. The whole trip will cost $4000.00.
Please look at the post below and take time to read some of the history behind the war in Sudan, as well for those of you that have DSL or somthing take 5 minutes and watch some of the Flash videos of Darfur villages and hear some of the refugee stories.
If you have questions or commnets please leave them on here or call. I have really been praying and thinking about this opportunity alot... so would be great to hear what poeple feel and think.


Jan said...

Kath, are you planning on going alone or will Vinj be going with you? I have heard about the terrible stuff going on over there and they definitely need help. Keep praying and if you are meant to be there, God will show you the way.

On another note, my sisters were so happy to have seen you at Uncle Kevin's party. It was wonderful that you two were able to make it. Too bad I wasn't able to go...:(
Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

....My will be done on earth as it is in heaven......


Karyn said...

Ummm, Jim....I think you meant to say "THY will be done...."? LOL

Anonymous said...

jan, yes I will be going on my own, although will be with the team. But vinj won't be coming. It's somthing I have been passionate about and not so much him. although he is totaly beind me.

Ya I was disapointed you weren't at the party... was looking forward to seeing you. But another time soon i hope. I lost sarahs e-mail, cn you send it to me, and your postal address as well.

Luv Kath

Jan said...

I will email you so it is not posted for the world to see....

~*Trisha*~ said...

Hi sweetheart (Kathryn),
I am so looking forward to talking to you more about this oppourtunity! It sounds amazing. I am not sure if you got my text message the other day or not but I just wanted to let you know that I got accepted to the Children At Risk School!!! God is so good and I am so excited! I'll call again soon. I miss you always!

Rob... said...

Sounds like a great opportunity, Kath! I wil be praying for you in this and that God will make your paths straight. It would definitely be an unforgettable experience.