Monday, November 13, 2006

Relief Teams

I've just found out about a relief team that YWAM has running, one out of Texas and Austrailia. Some YWAMers sign up to be apart of these disaster relief teams, and stay on call of any emergencies. This is something I have always been very passionate about, but didn't know how to go about it safely. So I am looking into it more and some of the relief trips coming up in the next few months and years. I may sign up to be apart of this list as well go down to Texas for training. It excites me because it helps me understand where I can further my education and also get practicle experiance on the feild. It's all just in the beggining stagest though.


1 comment:

Mike and Tor said...

That's really cool Kath. What are some relief trips that they've done in the past? What kind of training do they give you? Do you already know what relief trips are coming up?
Hope things are good in's been snowing like crazy here but I hear that you haven't even gotten nearly what we have for snow...lucky lucky.
Stay warm, love you.