Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Taking part in the emconomy could save a whole continent!

Fact- The whole of Africa takes part in 1% of the worlds economy.
Fact- If Africa was given a chance for 1% more, they would be making more money then the whole continent receives in AID every year!
Africa is tired of AID, they want Fair trade.
Buying merchandise, food, coffee, that has been unfairly traded is actually making billions of people poorer, contrary to popular thinking.
FALSE- Them having the unfair trade business isn't helping them, they barley survive on it. making people poorer doesn't help them.
please find out how you can fight against this.
Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.


Anonymous said...

everywhere you go, in every industry and every country and community, there are those that are not content to make a good profit and be "well off". They want to make an EXCESSIVE profit and have more money than they can ever spend - no matter how many others are hurt. Shameful

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against people making money and profit, but when GREED takes over, that's just wrong.

The book of James says that when we don't do the good that we know we should do, we sin. That applies to those that make excessive profit while causing untold hurt, poverty, hopelessness on others

Mom (Your blog won't let me comment as me)

~*Trisha*~ said...

Hey guys,
Thank you for sharing these statistics and the information about the child headed home in Zambia. Very thought provoking for sure. I have tried to get a hold of you guys a couple times now. Where are you? Let me know when you will be home and I will call. Hope you are both doing well.

AKM said...

Tobias sent me your website link. Its been a while, I see you are doing great stuff. Send me a line or two to fill me in on what else you have been doing.
Alex Manda