Friday, July 30, 2010

12 school children squooshed in the back, baby am-in-als as seth would say....

so many stories to write when I am away from this lovely mac laptop.... so will try and pry them all out of my memory, or corse the freshest is today... But I wont start at the end, I will try the beginning of our week.

The week started with projects, we had an amazing calgary team at our base, they prepared the land for the clinic project we are heading up, they worked like slaves, serisouly clearing the land with machetes and rakes and shovels. There are alot of teams that come through YWAM bases mostly focused on evangelism, this team was very different and willing to be so relational in base, and with the community closest to us. Some girls school fees where paid for, they got the sewing ladies to make all their gifts to bring home because of that also gave each women projects and income! They also helped out alot at our house, which seems like a never ending project, but really is so close ot being livable. And lastly, the team had some money left, and had prayed and asked God where they should put the money, they left it for the DTS, and you know what!? It covered ALL the fees due for these zambian students! CAN YOU IMAGINE the gift this was to those students! Just amazing! So blessed by them!

We left Lusaka for Livingstone on Saturday, from thursday to friday our car was being fixed and tuned up for the long trip, so we were confident our trip would be safe and good. . . BUT only an hour or so down the road our left weel was cluncking so much we just had to stop. And what we found was....... NO BOLTS ON THE BREAK PADS! Of which we had just replaced and paid for them to be put in! So THANK JESUS we stopped by a BIG truck who was also broke down, one of the guys ran across the highway to who knows where and found two bolts that fit our car! WOOHOO, so we were off to linvinstone again. But all the things delaying us really took a long time, and about 3 hours away from livingstone the kids really started to FREAK OUT, and I am talking about FREAK OUT, I have never seen my kids like that. But.... I can understand they were so tired of being in the car. 500 KM took us 12 hours in the end! It was maddness.

The next day was Safari day, vinj stayed back with Taliah and Seth and I went with the team, I was really excited to see Lions... but, guess what Livingstone doesnt have lions! ALL of us were disapointed. But we saw an elephant family, Giraffe, Impala, wart Hog, and Zebras, Seths all time favorite, "ZEEBA! MOMMY ZEEBA! BABY ZEEBA MOMMY!" He LOVES them, no question there! When we saw the elephants we would tell him "shhhhhhh, ok seth shhhhhhh" and by the end of the trip he was SHHHSHing everyone. it was so cute. He was Such a good boy though!

We took the team to the falls but didnt go in, they wouldnt let me and the kids in for the zambian price, which I have always been able to get being married to vinjelu, but the lady just would not budge! So I was partly offended, but also noticed everyone coming out soaked, and any time we have come to the falls in the season we come out dry... so... we were not prepared for it with the kids especially. So we sat at a beautiful hotel resort place right at the falls, we had drinks and lunch there. AND guess what. the place owns 8 Zebras! Just walking around, so seth was SO happy to see Zeebas again!
That evening we went on a boat ride down the zambezi, and I was praying we would see hippos! And we did, a whle lot of them on the land, and they were amazing, I actually shed a tear cuz it was just beautiful, I dont know why, maybe because they are a wondering and it's so few people who do get to see them. I LOVED it.
That night we went out for dinner with Andreas I was feeling a bit off, but we still went out and I had a steak, the restraunt was beautiful designed! We had a great chat with Andreas and said goodbye to him that night : ( boohoo

At 2:30am that night I got really sick, I mean I felt so horibble, worse then I have ever felt I think, so I jumped to the comclusion I had ecoli from the beef! (I've seen Food inc, recently... so that can scare anyone) And it was the only sickness I could see having with the symptoms. I was in the bathroom almost constantly that night. We went into the clinic that morning and found I had malaria, stage 2, stage four is ceribal malaria, which is REALLY BAD. So it was that strain of malaria. I was ok with it though, I got my first injection of the medication since I was throwing up I needed to get an injection. They also gave me something to sop vomitting, and then hooked me up to the good old IV, an old friend of mine ! : )

Let me tell you right now. If my baby girl can live through malaria, ANYONE can! Ok, so don't freak out if you get it while visiting. I am feeling so much better it's only the 4th day of treatment. So please still visit, don't let these stories scare you away!

On Thursday we came home in a much better time, I think it took us from 5:30am to 12:00pm to get home! Much better right, so I laid down bathed and relaxed. then vinj came into to say we were going. I was skeptical for sure because I was not feeling well at all. BUt I went, and it took about 1 hour to get to this beautiful lodge we are in right now. Just gorgeous here. We are sitting under a thatch roof looking out at some big animal that looks something like a deer, but much bigger. It's a beautiful afternoon on our Anniversary. Vinj is playing soccer, for those who know him, know what I am talking about : )

This morning we had to go find a clinic where I could get my last injection, we drove down the road praying out gas would last, because we were miss lead how far this lodge really was, it was much further, so we were literally running on fumes, way past E! But we found a place in time filled up, then headed back towards the lodge. We were told there was a clinic down the road, so we drove into a farm, and there was so much there even a clinic! A very nice doctor gave me my injection and chatted a bit with us. We also found out there would be a cattle auction on September 3rd, which we may be interested in! So it was a good stop all in all.

Vinj turned off the highway to the road leading to the lodge and let me drive the rest of the way (yeah!) haha an old man asked for a ride down the road to his village, so we said sure! He said it was only 3 km, but we went way further then that and still werent there, and we are trying to watch our fuel since we only had enough money for a quarter of a tank! So after about 10 kms, we left him off ( I know we are suck jerks right!) But before you agree, our left wheel is also giving us trouble again the the road was turning more and more into a foot path... so... needless to say we turned around for the lodge again. We started off and two school kids asked for a ride, so we said sure. The down the road another three asked and we said yes but then another 6 came as well, with a total of 12 grade fives in our 5 seats in the back! haha! It was great. Vinj was giving them a hard time because they are suppose to know english, but he would ask, "how was school?" and one would say "grade five" no "how was school?" " at the gate?" they just didnt know what he was aksing. They were cute and I loved it. We took a photo of it as well so you will see.


Karyn said...

so this is how you spend your anniversary day without children? on the net, playing soccer, giving people rides? *shaking my head* :)

Sounds like the Calgary team fulfilled God's call for them! Awesome.

Jan said...

Happy Anniversary guys!

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures from your safari! Sounds incredible!

I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better and enjoying some time away for your anniversary!

Love you!

ändu zum Brunnen said...

So glad you had a good anniversary and you recovered well!!
I got home well too... felt Relay tired though.. I think my body reacts on my subconsciousness :-)

arlene said...

So much adventure. There is so much in this post I don't even know what to comment on! It's great to experience it a little through your eyes though, so even if I don't comment it's just because I am speechless. What an exciting time. I love hearing about everything!
God bless you all!