Wednesday, September 15, 2010

bad to good

Blog September 14th evening.

Today I have been thinking of everything horrible, annoying and offensive... and so on. One of those terrible moods I need to snap out of. We have been sick so many times since coming and honestly I have had it today. We found out last night Vinjelu has malaria, and mine still hasn’t gone! I think it’s just the physical getting to me. I NEED JESUS. I NEED the HOLY SPIRIT.
On the bright side vinjelu and I got the thing we need for internet at home, although more expensive then going into town, we have the advantage having it at home now, it’s an air card, soon the 3G technology is coming into Zambia with our network and we will be going to that once it’s here. I also got a bunch of stamps and envelopes to post letters, I wish I could write one everyday, I am going to try and write more, because there are so many people to write to. So some of you special people will be getting letters, especially those who wrote me first! WOOHOO, I love letters.
Anyway, I am looking at December approaching and wishing so much I could be going home to my family for the season, it is deffinately one of my very favorite, I love the build up of Fall into the christmas season. I find my self making different plans to go “somewhere” for christmas. But I think we will stay, vinj and I want to record some of the songs we have been writing, and we would love to be doing that, and maybe we could get one air conditioner to escape to one cold room. Anyway, thats still a few months away, and again like I said, it’s not the best day today : )

Vinj and I picked up the interlocking brick machine today from the university of Zambia! A canadian team came here and paid for it, at the time we were hoping for the team to be making bricks while they were here, but lets face it -- this is Zambia, the only thing you get the straight forward is..... a tomato off the side of the road (over - exagerating...) anyway, so it took from mid july to mid september to get the machine. But WE HAVE IT, and we are using it for the building of the clinic! Which has started, the foundation has started. It is kind of stressful because we really want to do it quality, but also saving as much money as possible, of corse. Which is hard. And then watching every single cent being spent, recording it into the budget and expense reports... etc.

And, we have lights on the out side of our house finally! woohoo! it gets SO DARK here, so you would walk outside hoping your not stepping on a frog, or a lizzard... etc. Wightson our friend did it for us, and now we are all lit up like a street in new york, with power that is.

Tonight vinj and I are on cooking for the whole base, so we are doing chicken and rice and veggies, I was checking on the chicken and adding some sauce to it, as I was sliding it back into the oven something was sticking to the cloth I was using as an oven mit, and it was one of the chicken feet. And it made me smile, not an every day occurance in Canada, the chickens nail caught on the rag : ) haha. Yes we eat chicken, feet and they are good.

I lost 5kgs in 2 week with Malaria, which I am not going to complain about! But it isn’t the best way to loose weight, now Vinj is worried because he wants to keep all the kgs he has, as most of you know : )

I just got a call from my mom and SHE IS COMING IN LESS THEN A MONTH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Cant wait! I cant believe it!

I couldn’t be happier!

And so ends my grumpy day into a beautiful night, with only three and a half week till my mom comes!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Remember Kath that the JOY of the Lord is your strength. I wish I was able to fold myself in half and boldly breath for that long. Then I could come with mom as a carry on. ; ). Miss u

Anonymous said...

I wish you guys could come for christmas, too. But having your mom for a few weeks will be sooo nice too! Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you Kathryn that mom can be with you. My God's love bind you two together with cords that distance will never pull apart.

Jay said...

Hahaha! I can imagine Vinj freaking out about losing weight.

I need your mailing address, love (facebook it to me). I have wanted to send things to you. How long does it take to arrive there, do you know? If I were to send a package of sorts would it take a long time?

Miss and love you all lots.


Karyn said...

Jay...a SMALL package (about the size of a greeting card box) takes about 3 weeks and costs under $20. A larger package takes about the same time but costs more according to the size.

Kath....I'm so glad my call came at the end of a bad day so you could be cheered up.

I'm excited!

We are going to miss you so much at Christmas! But maybe next year?

Hope you both feel better soon!

Karyn said...

I'm debating bringing my computer. Whatdya think?

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

Thanx for reading guys. MOm bring your computer, you will enjoy it, and can use internet on it as well.