Wednesday, January 25, 2012

30 day shred- I AM SORE!

So, yesterday I started the 30 Day shred by Jillian Michaels. In my opinion she has been a super jerk to people, but has also helped alot of people too. AND she created a 30 minute work out, which works so much better for moms! Anyway, I woke up SO SORE I didn't think the work out was too hard, but my body hurts pretty bad! I was like how am I going to do it again today! But I did, and yes I am sore still! So anyone know when it stops hurting : ) haha. Also anytime we are out for food away from home (where there are healthy choices) I am just getting a regular salad... I am NOT a salad person, but surprisingly, I LIKE IT : ) while I watch vinj down a big bacon swiss burger.... oh well. I feel like this year is the year I get in the shape I have "wanted" to for a while. I will post a picture if I find any difference at the end of the 30 day shred.
Me and chawezi after the 30 day shred

Also, I love being in a city! We got three visitors yesterday just pretty much out of the blue. It's nice to be loved. (Josh we love it when you stop by!)

Random thought, I miss Toby, Vinjelus brother! Funny story just for Toby, Seth and Taliah were looking at a photo of you we have from our namibia holiday, Taliah said "uncle toby!" seth said "no thats daddy!  Uncle toby has a black small truck car, with a tire on the back!" (since you were standing by a blue car, I guess it made you vinjelu)  Anyway Taliah was insistent it was you, and Seth insisted you didn't have hair like that and you don't drive a blue car : )


Karyn said...

You go, Girl!

Karyn said...

I'm so glad Seth and Taliah remember their uncle Toby

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

I think I am going to do it every other day right now, I was seriously SO SORE I was walking like I was 9 months pregnant! I am going to go for a long walk on the alternate day for now, until my muscles get used to it.