Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Beauty of a culture

This was quite a family night, left to right: Madalitso's head (vinjeu's brother in law)-Gwanire(Vinjelu's sister)-Faith family sister- Wendy our best friend- Philip cousin- Tobias vinjelu's brother- Vinjelu... and me(but I'm taking the picture).

somthing I love about this picture is it's a picture of the culture in some way, you don't have enough chairs for everyone... "so what" just make room on one of your chairs for the extra people. You don't stress cuz you don't have enough seats, or have some people sit in the living room. No you jusy simply make room with what you have. This is a picture of that culture, make somthing amazing about what you have, I do think there is a positive and a negative to this actually... some people never get out of the servival mode, but others use this attitude to actually make it further and to make the most of life. It wa ssomthing beautiful I found about some people, makes you feel like anything in possible in some way...

1 comment:

Karyn said...

There are always 2 sides to every coin - a strength and a weakness. The ability to not stress over what is or isn't is a good thing. To be happy "making do" is a strength. But, as you have observed and commented, the flip side of that is becoming hopeless.