Saturday, June 30, 2007

Athi River Part Two

OK- to answer Dad, they are buying water, they are not dyiny of no water, it's very impracticle to be buying water and so are trying to solve that problem with as little costs as possible. They do not have a garden or trees for the same reason of not enough water. And no local water source.

We have been teaching full time all day since Tuesday to Friday. We have two classes with the YWAm staff, a morning class and afternoon, the classes are 3 hours each. We teach the same thing in the morning as we do in the afternoon because we have different people. It is going very well! Very excited and think vinj and I will be teaching the same material in Zambia on this trip for a week or two. We will be staying in Athi River for another five days, leaving for Uganda early in the morning on Friday.

Last night we had a scrabble tournament, I also taught basic piano and believe or not I rembered chourds on the bass guitar and taught what I know! So that was fun. We had alot of fun, two boards of Scrabble going at the same time.

Today is Saturday and we've come into Nairobi, which is a LONG trip and exausting, but we had to make it to pick up some flight tickets... and do some shopping for protein supplimental kinda food/snacks.

We've been having a great time!

Kathryn and Baby

The baby is as of Today 13 weeks and 4 days old.
Kathryn has been feeling very faint latley... so we are trying to find some nutritious snacks for her. Not sure what she's lacking, but not to concerned at this point, the doctor said the baby will take what it needs. Shes been mostly feeling well, and when she doesn't she lays down and takes it easy, really no pressure, it's working well.

Anyway, will wrtie later, our schedule now is.

Friday July 6th we are busing to Jinja, Uganda. and will be staying there for three weeks.

July 26th or 28th we will be busing back to Nairobi.

July 31st we will be flying from Nairobi to Lusaka,Zambia.

We will be in Zambia untill October 2nd.

More later.



Karyn said...

Kathryn, what/how much have you been eating? Are you drinking enough water, getting enough rest? Feeling faint on a regular basis does not sound good.

Who will you be teaching in Zambia? The YWAM staff?

Sounds like things are going well, mostly....I am praying for you.

Love you both

Karyn said...

BTW I like the green!

Anonymous said...

kath...your mom sounds like mine! anytime i'm not feeling well, her first question is always "are you drinking enough water?"...that's funny! i'll be praying that you start feeling the mean time, drink more water! ha!

wow, that's so fun that you'll be with sarah. i forgot vinj got to meet her! she's a fun girl...i think you'll like her kath!

Anyway, it's okay that vinj kills the spiders! that's his protect you! but i still say you're brave...even if you're scared of spiders!

Rob... said...

The baby will take what it needs, but that may leave you depleted of nutrients! Make sure you are getting lots of iron, as your body needs a lot of extra blood right now, but sometimes the dizzyness can just be hormonal. Hows that for big-sister bossyness?
Love you guys!

~*Trisha*~ said...

Hey guys!
So good to hear about how you are doing. I didn't see Rwanda in your schedule so I am guessing that it means that you are no longer coming here? Let me know. Love you and miss you both!

Anonymous said...

its souds like u guys are having a blast. im so proud off both of u guys for what u have accoplished. we are glad to hear that kathryn and the baby are doing fine. and its good to hear that she is takin it easey when she needs to. hope u guys are doin well, and be safe over there. God bless and Happy mid year

By the way this is Andrew

Courtney said...

hey! praying for you! I remember all to well how it feels being pregnant :) We found out a few weeks back that we are again. we are 9 weeks now... so not too far behind you. Our babes will have to play someday. I'll remember to pray for you everytime i have to visit the toilet :) love, Courtney