Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm not 20 any more... right?

One of my most favorite things about life right now is having my AMAZING friend Margot around.
She is from Cape Town, South Africa and we have been waiting for her to come for nine months, she finally got the work permit through. It' SO FUN to have her around every week!
We are the same age, she is actually older then me by a few months. Anyway, Margot is single, and VERYU FUN, full of life. which everyone loves including me!

Being around her has made me think and evaluate my self more, I think because we had so many good times in South Africa back in 2004, when I was single with no children, and the wold world ahead of me... you know the feeling right?

This is a photo of me and vinjelus brother in spring of 2005 having the time of my life!
Anyway, so I have been evaluating things because here Margot and I are the same age, but it seems like she is still 19 and I am... well I'm not. Margot stays out late, wears funky shoes : ) haha Works the crowd... which I used to do. It took a few weeks for margot to realize things weren't the same... now with a toddler who desperately needs consistency, and a baby girl who is nursing ALOT I can't really be care free anymore... and I haven't really noticed it until she came, and I kinda wanted to be.

Here is a photo of Vinjelu and I the night we got engaged, I was 19, he was 24. An amazing night, he asked me to marry him at dinner, after we went out walking, stopped and kissed as traffic wizzed by on the dark road in windhoek, Namibia. We were so happy and care free, it was an amazing night.
So... I guess I went through a moment of wanting that again... BUT and this is a BIG BUT!


I love being a mom, YES it means I cant just go waltzing off to the movie everyone elese is going to see, or to the pub for a random fun night, but I LOVE putting my kids to bed, giving the bath, reading the stories, singing songs while they fall asleep. Those moments are amazing. And how Incredible is it that they are mine... I get to watch them grow up.
And I have a husband who is incredibly loving, and we keep it fresh! Not just in bed, but yes in bed if you must know. We right music together, thats so much more deep then the flirting we used to do when we were single, right?!
We have children together, we cook together, we discuss all kinds of things, I love having him here, he's my best friend ever.

I guess I say all that to say, being single and wild was fun and I am happy Margot is still in that phaze, but I LOVE my life, and vinj and I keep it real, fun, and exciting even with the responsibility of our children (and we still want more! haha) , bills, etc.
I am excited to live each day out.
Although there will be a few wild nights once our kids are old enough to sleep over at grandma and grandpas house together!
Haha, life is good.
Isn't it!


Anonymous said...

:) First I love you and I love how much you love your life!!!
Second I am seriously laughing out loud at the fact that you wrote that you and Vinj like to keep it fresh in the bedrrom on here :) I love that you have that freedom and security in yourself and your marriage to not care what others will think when then read it. lol, seriously still laughing here! Oh how I love you and your amazing family!!!
~ Trisha

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

Trish what r u doing awake! if I wans't going to bed now I would phone you for all the details on beth. I haven't called so you would have a few days with the family.
I will call tomorrow.
Love you too.

Jay said...

Kathryn, I love you guys...I love that you keep it fresh in bed..hahaha...that made me laugh.
I have felt the same things, too, looking at how some high school friends are carefree, and single, and, I miss it, but I know that without my son I would not be ME. HE helps to define well as my amazing hubby! You're such a wonderful person, and I love you immensely. Keep being you, you have always been fun :) And, BTW, I notice that you and Vinj still flirt ;)

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

thanx jay, means alot.
And I am glad you notice our spark. I feel it. : )

Karyn said...

I think everyone goes through a moment sometime in their twenties when we wish we could do what our single friends are doing. But look at it this are a young parent- means you will still be young when your kids are all 'gone'.....your friends who are singe now will be dealing with teenagers when you are enjoying grandchildren.....and time alone with your man.

Besides, as you obviously understand, the rewards and fullfillment of being a wife and mom are a thousand times better than being single and 'care free'.

There is no such thing as 'care free' anway.

You are a great mommy and wife, BTW.

Karyn said...

Love you

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

very true! vinj and I look forward to my mid forties when all our kids will be grown, and a whole new adventure starts!
Thank you mom.