Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seth The little Cook

Seth LOVES cooking, probably like alot of kids I am thinking, but my kids are special RIGHT! haha
He comes at supper every time saying, "mommy cook!, PLEASE"

This day I gave in and let him pretend to cook with a pan, spice and potatoes....

What do you do when your kid wants to cook around a hot stove? Do you just say no and let him cry while you cook? Any suggestions?


Rob... said...

I obviously let my kids cook with me, they are old enough. Ty, however is forced to sit on the floor and cry. At age two you can maybe let him rip lettuce for a salad or stir something that is not hot? It will be messy, though!

Jon said...

I usually let my kids cook or do anything they want but then again my children are invisible.

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