Friday, June 11, 2010

Off to Zambia in 4 days

Back to blogging again!
This will be the place to find our funny, sad, and quirky stories while we're in Zambia!

This week has been a weird one, I know I am tired and a little stressed because I am sick every night and morning, which is apparently how my body responds these days to such things. Visiting lots of people in a short time, saying goodbye, and seeing family as much as possible. Last night I packed two of our bags, I am as so many travelers often are worried about how much overweight we may be paying at the airport! We are thinking of taking the bags that are packed to Grey Hound and weigh them there, and since my very own friends own it in wetaskiwin I don't think that will be hard! So we will see by tonight what our two packed bags weigh.......

I still need to finish packing Seth and Taliahs bags, but before I can finish I need to finish the laundry, which seems like a never ending job, (like most moms say I guess), I dont think theirs will be very heavy though.

Count down of four days untill we fly out...

Friday- Today
Early this morning vinjelu woke up to watch the first two games of the world cup at uncle Kens who lives down the road from my parents house. He was disappointed with the commentary guys, who I guess were obviously rooting for Mexico and not South Africa. The match was a draw at SA 1 MX 1. He may be going back for another game, but right now our kids are dissolving in tears, and I don not feel well today. So he may need to for go that one.
So on with the day, weighing the bags, and we were suppose to go see my dad today, but he may be too busy for this. so part of the day is up in the air. But we will finish packing two more bags, and almost be done for leaving, although there are a few things we need to buy, like converters to plug our computers into! So dont want to forget that!

Our family is probably coming out for the day to say goodbyes, if we can I would like to make it to my friends baby dedication in wetaskiwin, we will see if thats possible! So it's a family day.

Sunday is the day we will probably see my dad for a few hours... so the day is dedicated to this.

We need to go into Edmonton to pick up Seths new passport! It is coming in the day before we leave! AHHHHH! It better be there. They aid it would be barring Seth having any criminal record... so I am thinking he is going to pass that scrutiny, although I guess you never know since moms never really know what their boys are up to... thats what they say anyway... : ) joking.
We will be packing the vehicle for the airport, and buying last minutes things, like a new battery for our laptop... it only lasts 45 minutes or so and it's suppose to last 4 hours! So we need a new battery.

I am not sure what we're doing the morning, I dont really want to be waiting at home I think though.... we will probably have a nice breakfast hopefully stress free in the morning, and take off for calgary, have a stop in Red Deer (my favorite city besides Camrose) and onto the airport. Our flight leaves at 9:30pm, we want to be there 4 and a half hours early for getting our bags on and our computers on, and want to time to be able to move things around if needed. and since we have to leave 3 hours earlier then that to get to calgary we will be gone around Lunch time!

We leave at 9:30pm from calgary to London, and arrive 8 hours later, at about 1:00pm London time, we have a 6 hour lay over in London, which should be fun actually! I like airports and so does vinj, so it should be fun.

We fly out of London at 7:00pm directly to Lusaka, Zambia.

After a 10 hour flight from London we arrive in Zambia at 6:10am! A nice early start to the day, hoping for the kids to sleep through that flight and come ready for the day in Lusaka!
We are not sure who is picking us up, since it is a work day and quite early pick up time, but I am sure it will be someone we love and can't wait to see.

So thats it for now...
May blog again before we leave.

Please pray for good travels, safe travels, health for all of us, transition for our family and extended family, and for our luggae to make it safe with NO COMPLICATIONS!

Thanx all, love to you

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