Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Desperate parent!

I have always been of the mind set - have your kids close together and get the child bearing years over with asap (within reason).

This week I have seriously reconsidered this.... It started with Seths 4th birthday party, Taliah seemed a bit off, and by the evening had a fever. Vinj got up to monitor her through the night and give Tylenol. The next day was church and we were doing the music for it. We didnt check her in the morning because we didnt want to wake her up since our friend was going to be watching her until I was done with the music. I was a bit uneasy about it, but since I was the only one who could lead I couldn't let the people down. So I came home right after worship and found taliah VERY VERY SICK, with a VERY high fever. I stripped her down and got her in the tub and got ahold of vinj to come home right away to take her to the hospital. We took her in and while waiting to see the doctor she had a siezure! Scariest moment of my (our) life so far! She was so confused after I just wanted to cry! My poor baby girl.
After X-Ray, I.V, Blood work, Urine test, the young women south african doctor didnt find anything wrong with her. Frustrating for sure. That night Seth had fevers and chawezi, we ended up taking them all into emergency again Monday night to find throat and ear infections. Controlling three kids fevers through the night is exhausting! Emotionally especially, after seeing a seizure from the temperature I was so on edge.  Bath, sponge, temperature, repeat..... and so this mom of three kids just under 4 is TIRED! and SPENT! So I guess when it's bad it's BAD!

Thank God tonight all the kids went to bed with temps under 101.1, I may just get 4 hours of sleep in a row tonight, of which I am truly thankful. I also need a bit of energy to baby vinj, since he is sick too : )

 Oh the plus side, today was Seths 4th birthday! He was sick for it, but he was still really excited! We hung out in the day, he got to play Mario brothers which he loves, hang out with grandma, and the all time favorite opens gifts from mom and dad and grandma and papa.  After that we had some supper (brought over by my sister Krystal! thank you again), and followed by playing with toys and watching the new Disney nature film about African cats. Which Seths loves).

Right before bed we had a bad red nail polish spill on the couch thanx to taliah and vinj : ) Thank goodness those couches are almost disposable! It happened somewhere between her asking vinj to paint her "feet" and him going to do it. Oh well-  life.goes.on!

As of yesterday afternoon we have Internet again! And I will be posting on here again probably for a season, since I have never kept to it consistently.

here's to 2012. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I am a faithful reader and have had your blog page as one of my home pages since your inception of your blog.

Anonymous said...

It was just this morning that I was considering exchanging your website with the BlueBible page. Funny how things work.

Karyn said...

glad things settled down last night (I hope)

Also, glad to see you posting again.

Jan said...

Yay! Glad to see a new post from you! :)

I hope everyone feels better soon! My boys have had fevers in the last week too. Not fun!